Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fate: Can you change your destiny or is it set in stone forever?

Have you ever wanted to change the future? Or the past? Do you believe in fate? Fate has been argued over for centuries.  Some people say that your actions can change your future while others argue that your life is set in stone.  I think that fate may well exist but that you can change your fate.  I think that fate exists in the form that you can chose your own path to follow.  Fate reminds me of the roots of a tree in the sense that there are many paths to choose from and you can pick one of them to follow.  I think fate is how your actions lead you through your life and not a course of action to which you must stick to.

In the prologue of Romeo & Juliet, it suggests that the relationship between Romeo and Juliet is doomed from the start.  To me, that is like the doctor telling you that you're going to live for only three more months and you end of living for 3 more years.  So is that fate?  Maybe so, but even if it is you have altered your fate by living for 3 more years.  Since we know that Romeo and Juliet are from two feuding families, their relationship might seem impossible and unrealistic.  In the end, they both commit suicide for each other.  So some may say they were doomed and fate has acted.  But I might argue that fate had nothing to do with it and that committing suicide was the result of events that had taken place and not something that couldn't be avoided.

Fate is abstract.  We can't see it so therefore we will never be able to prove its existence or non-existence.  We will contine to debate this controversial topic for decades to come.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting thoughts, Katherine Drew! I enjoyed reading your blog. I'd say your first post was a success!
